Soul goal
The death of the youngest son of an Orthodox Jewish family, three days after being hit by a car while riding his bicycle in South Florida, United States, completely changes the course of their lives. Sholem, son of Rabbi Yosef and Devora Benchimol, was only 17 years old. He dreamed of playing professional soccer while wearing his kippah, symbolizing the pride he felt for his Judaism and the possibility of being part of a team that respected this tradition. Sholem’s mother manages to transform the pain of his loss to unite her family, friends, and the entire community with the goal of spreading Sholem’s true desire: to continue sharing his values and legacy.
After the accident, Sholem spent three days in the hospital while thousands of people across six continents prayed for his life. On the day of his burial, not even the pandemic could prevent the world from bidding farewell to Sholem like a king: 300 cars filled the cemetery, and over 5000 people accompanied the grief through Zoom from their homes.
This story serves as a true lesson for the entire world, showcasing the strength and drive of a family to build the necessary tools to face life’s difficult situations with resilience.
Today, the pain serves as the engine and impulse to reach the lives of new generations, promoting support and strengthening the identities of teenagers and young people.

«Each person experiences grief in their own way, but today, I want to show that pain can be transformed into light. I want to share the journey, providing ideas and tools that can help others. I want not only to remember Sholem’s life but also to build a legacy that I wish to leave in this world. It is not natural to witness the death of a child, but it happens more often than one might think. I want to share my experience from a positive perspective, inspiring others to follow the same path. I strive to universalize what has happened, to transcend our experience, and turn this story into a touching documentary that reaches the hearts and lives of many people»

Film Festivals and Educational Purpose
This is not THE END. It's just THE BEGINNING.
Sholem Goal Soul aims to become an educational film that seeks to empower youth with the purpose of strengthening their identities, precisely at the moment in life when they are solidifying, fostering the construction of positive values.
The goal is for the film to start its journey in film festivals and reach out to distributors worldwide to spread the message to the young audience. After this tour, the film will be available to be presented as an audiovisual tool in high schools, colleges, and universities, while also offering spaces for discussions to promote exchange among the youth and the community.
Sholem Goal Soul initiates a journey to keep not only Sholem’s values alive but also to disseminate, through the eyes and wisdom of Devora, a message of mental, emotional, and spiritual health: resilience and overcoming.
Devora is married to Rabbi Iosef, who currently leads an Orthodox community in Sunny Isles, Florida. He has four children and six grandchildren. He lived in four countries and seven cities, contributing with his commitment to communities with different languages and cultures. He has a solid background in Judaism (Yeshivot, New York, and Buenos Aires). For more than forty years he studied and practiced different body techniques such as Tai Chi, Feldenkrais and dance therapy. She is a body expression teacher and founder of “Jewgal”, a program based on Kabbalah, which combines moving meditation techniques and Mindfulness. She trained as a Life Coach with the goal of helping people face difficult situations and overcome obstacles with fluidity and joy. He offers seminars and classes from his experience as a spiritual leader.
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